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Dr. Kenneth Smith examines and fits patients with contact lenses that correct for:
1/ Myopia - Nearsightedness.
2/ Hyperopia - Farsightedness
3/ Astigmatism - Will cause distance and near blur
4/ Presbyopia - Near vision/reading blur in one's 40's and older
Our eyes need tears to remain healthy and comfortable. If your eyes do not produce enough tears, you will develop dry eye. If your tears evaporate too quickly, you will develop dry eye.
Meibomian Oil glands (on your eyelids) not functioning properly will contribute to your tears evaporating faster from your eyes. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is responsible for 86% of all dry eye patients. Scheduling an appointment for a dry eye workup will reveal the cause of your dry eye condition.
Dry Eye Testing will include:
1/ How long it takes for your tears to dry up.
2/ How quickly you make your tears
3/ The volume of your tears
4/ The quality of your tears
5/ If there is inflammation found in your tears
1/ Prescribing lubricating eye drops, gels and/or ointments.
2/ Implementing proper eyelid hygiene and maintenance
3/ Prescribing therapeutic medications
4/ Prescribing oral supplements
5/ Perform Meibomian Gland Expression procedure to unclog the oil glands on your eyelids. This procedure allow for tears to remain longer on your eye and not evaporate so quickly from you eye.
6/ Perform Punctal Plug Occlusion procedure to preserve the tears you have.
Medical Eye Examinations are specifically focused on treating and managing specific eye disease such as Cataracts, Dry Eye, “Red Eye” infections, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration. Glaucoma, Ocular Allergies etc.
Dr. Smith partners with Top Laser Surgery Ophthalmologists to offer Laser Surgery options for patients.
We offer Laser Surgery consultations to see if the patient is a good candidate for Laser Surgery. A patient may be referred to the Laser Center for additional testing for a free consultation to confirm if they are a candidate for Laser Surgery or not.
Laser surgery options offered are the Smile procedure, LASIK, PRK and changing the color of your eyes.
Dr. Smith is involved with the pre-op and post-op care to assist in providing optimal visual results.
We provide vision examinations for patients looking to complete their DMV license renewal.
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